2024 has undoubtedly been a year of significant changes. With Broadcom's acquisition of VMware and the subsequent shifts in strategy and product focus, my nearly 13-year journey with VMware has come to a close.
It feels surreal to think that my first VMware-related post was published almost 15 years ago, way back in February 2010.
Over the years, this blog has been a space to share insights, troubleshoot challenges, and celebrate successes in the VMware ecosystem. While it’s unclear whether my focus will remain on VMware technology moving forward, one thing remains steadfast: the mission of this blog—to help others and share knowledge.
Now, let’s shift to the heart of this post: reflecting on what 2024 has brought to us.
Despite the uncertainty and adjustments, I managed to publish 21 blog posts this year, a testament to my commitment to consistency and passion for sharing valuable content. here's the top 10 posts that resonated the most in 2024 (in red past year rank)
#1 Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster creation stucks (#4)
#2 VMware NSX and the dropped packets tale (#5)
#3 Year in Review 2023 (not ranked last year)
#4 Site Reliability Engineering Dashboard (not ranked last year)
#5 VMware script to delete/remove VMs, guest (#8)
#6 Aria Automation - formatVersion2 (not ranked last year)
#7 vCloud Director OVF upload fail at 1% (not ranked last year)
#8 VMware Identity Manager and Delegate IP (#6)
#9 VMware Converter configurations tips (#2)
#10 Enabling NSX Advanced Load Balancer for vSphere with Tanzu (not ranked last year)
It's good to see recently created content being ranked up, 50% of them were not in 2023 review.
Now 2025 has officially started ; )