In an always-evolving world, companies of all sizes are constantly looking for ways to increase their agility in providing services and solutions.
One of those services is Azure DevOps, a platform that supports a collaborative culture surrounded by a toolset of pipelines, version control, reporting, release management, automated builds, and testing, bringing together developers, project managers, and contributors to improve products at a faster pace.
That's all great, but everything has a start! Before anyone can begin to contribute and create new things, you need to first set up such an environment of work.
Of course, you don't want to rely upon ticketing systems and manual tasks, which take days to provide such environments, while keeping your developers idle and angry to start creating those new unique solutions.
That's where VMware Aria Automation comes to the rescue, this outstanding multi-cloud platform that can deliver self-service repeatable, and standardized solutions at your fingertips, just like Azure DevOps projects.
Leveraging the Terraform provider for Azure DevOps, it did not take me more than 40 minutes to create its initial implementation, let me show you how.
Aria Automation has been built in a way you don't have to provide your credentials on the Terraform configuration file, instead, it would leverage its project's constructs to look into your cloud account credentials just using the provider section on the cloud template. Unfortunately, Aria Automation just supports aws, azurerm, google, and vsphere at this moment.
So, how do we make use of azuredevops provider?
Luckily, this provider allows us to add the Org URL and the personal token directly on the Terraform configuration file, then we just need to remove the provider section entirely from the cloud template and let the Terraform configuration file do its job.
Now, my developers and project managers can order new Projects, select the features they desire, like Boards, Artifacts, Pipelines, TestPlans, and Repositories to start working in a matter of minutes.
New Project has been created as requested.
This code sample can be found at my Github repository.