Just Another IT Blog

It's time to share some of my experiences, crazy ideas, tips and tricks !!!

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Last week, while upgrading my lab to showcase the capabilities of VMware Aria Automation Config (formerly SaltStack), I encountered an issue with installing the salt-minion on CentOS 9. I received an error message stating that the SALTSTACK-GPG-KEY2.pub failed to download, and the install process failed.


Full error message:

ERROR: https://repo.saltproject.io/py3/redhat/9/x86_64/latest/SALTSTACK-GPG-KEY2.pub failed to dowload.
ERROR: Failed to run install)_centos_table_deps()!!! 


Traditionally, the salt-minion can be installed through SaltStack Config Resource when designing Cloud Templates within Aria Automation or through VMware Tools. However, in my case, I decided to use the bootstrap installation method, which is a bash shell script that installs Salt and takes care of dependencies for various operating systems.


Upon further investigation, I discovered that with the release of Salt 3005, the classic package installer has been phased out in favor of Onedir, a new installer that includes all executables and dependencies in one directory. As a result, the classic package is no longer available for newer OS platforms such as CentOS 9, Redhat 9, Ubuntu 22.04, or Photon OS 3.


To resolve this issue, I simply updated my Cloud-Init command to install Salt using the Onedir installer by using the following command:

  • sudo sh bootstrap-salt.sh -A "master_goes_here" -P onedir


I hope that sharing my experience and solution will save others time in the future


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