Just Another IT Blog

It's time to share some of my experiences, crazy ideas, tips and tricks !!!

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As the landscape of modern applications continues to evolve at a ferocious pace, predominantly based on Kubernetes, companies of all sizes to stay competitive in today's dynamic economy must embrace this paradigm at all costs.

Enter VMware Aria Automation, poised at the forefront to address this pressing need. With its latest innovation, the Cloud Consumption Interface (CCI), provides a simple, secure, and self-service solution tailored to the demands of modern application development.

What sets CCI apart is its fresh approach, which breaks free from the confines of curated blueprint catalog items, steering unprecedented agility and flexibility for DevOps teams. By exposing VMware Cloud Foundation's (VCF) IaaS services, CCI empowers Developers to seamlessly create on-demand Supervisor Namespaces, upstream compliant Kubernetes clusters, and even traditional virtual machines, all while upholding the rigorous governance standards mandated by IT.

The starting point lies in Supervisor Namespace, similar to a Kubernetes namespace, this virtual sandbox where developers can ideate, iterate, and execute their applications with unparalleled freedom.

The service is available as a new topic under Service Broker;
Service Broker Administrator will get the getting started page; where they can click +NEW NAMESPACE to initiate the follow;


While Service Broker Users, will get a slightly differente page, but with the same +NEW SUPERVISOR NAMESPACE option; 

The next step will be to select a Namespace Class;

You can think of it as an initial template for your namespace, holding the basic configuration such as VM classes available, storage profiles and resource limits;

I have created two classes for my environment as such:

  • Gold: Reserved resources for K8S nodes providing guaranteed performance and an option for unlimited resources consumption;
  • Silver: There's no reserved resourced for K8S nodes and also resource limits are enforced based on my definitions (not showing it here);


To conclude you Namespace creation you need to provide it a name, select the desired region for the backed supervisor cluster and, if the Namespace Class Configuration allows, an optional way of changing the default resource limit values;


 Once started, in a matter of seconds your new Supervisor Namespace is created and ready for consumption.


The creation of Kubernetes Clusters and Virtual Machines will be covered in subsequent posts, keep tuned !!

It's worth mentioning CCI is as also available as a plug-in, designed to be used more as a traditional DevOps experience through a traditional command-line interface or integrate it into CI/CD pipelines, which is definitely advantageous for developers. This approach streamlines the development process and provides seamless integration into existing workflows.

 here's the kubernetes manifest representing the above use case:


apiVersion: infrastructure.cci.vmware.com/v1alpha1
kind: SupervisorNamespace
  name: vault-33
  namespace: foundation-cci
  description: it's time to run some experiments
  regionName: west
  className: gold-namespace


Happy Automation !!!

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