Just Another IT Blog

It's time to share some of my experiences, crazy ideas, tips and tricks !!!

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Maintain a healthy environment is part of any IT Administrator’s duty,  sometimes is hard to assess several components that might compound a solution, would it not be nice to have a tool that looks at these solutions and provides you a health report ?


Well, that’s what vRealize Production Test is all about. 


It started as a testing tool to vRealize Automation but VMware has been evolving it during the past months and now it includes engines to test vRealize Business and vRealize Operations as well. 


Let’s see how it works. 


-       Download vRealize Production Test jar file;






It’s part of the vRealize Automation download page, just go to Drivers & Tools and there is it.


 -       Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where you save it;

      It’s based on Java, so be sure you have java installed on the system where you will run it from.


-       Start configuring the tool, running:  

java –jar vrealize-productiontest-1.7.0.jar config

Obs: make sure you change to your version file accordingly


When running for the first time you need to accept the EULA

-       On the left menu, you should select each product you wanna test and fill out its information;

-       Fill out the field appropriately and Save;

It will create an XML file with the information you just provide


-    To start checking your environment run:

java –jar vrealize-productiontest-1.7.0.jar run --oobList VRA

Once it’s done, there will be a html-reports folder on the source where you ran the script, inside that, open the VRPTR.html file

The report shows a nice summary of findings, but also a detailed section, where you can learn what has been found and the details on how to fix that.

If you want to learn more about the tool, there’s a detailed guide as well.


OBS: don’t be alarmed about the number of issues on my environment, I intentionally gave some bad hostnames and credentials to generate more errors ; )

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