Just Another IT Blog

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That’s frustrating …… you went through all the process, wait a long time to the conversion finishes and when you are almost there it fails with 99% and rollback the P2V, deleting the virtual machine.

I had a few cases like that, in fact it fails while reconfiguring the new disks, volumes and partitions on a Linux system.

The error is similar to this one:

Command return code: 1; result string:  * /mnt/p2v-src-root/dev has 2 files  No module cciss_2445 found for kernel 2.6.9-78.EL, aborting.  ERROR: failed running mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.6.9-78.EL.img 2.6.9-78.EL with chroot /mnt/p2v-src-root  -->  * unmounting /mnt/p2v-src-root/dev /mnt/p2v-src-root/proc and /mnt/p2v-src-root/sys 

What happens is that the system is attempting to include this module for future initrd image build process, but, since it’s a virtual machine, this module does not exist, anymore.

In this case you can comment out that module on the physical server and run the converter again. This time the reconfigure process will ignore this module and should complete successfully.

If it fails again, look for the failing module and comment this one too. Repeat this process until the conversion succeeds.

It can also happens when installing VMware Tools on a Linux VM that was converted from a physical box, the error message says:

Your system currently may not have a functioning init image and may not boot properly. DO NOT REBOOT! Please ensure that you have enough free space available in your /boot directory and run this configuration script again.
Execution aborted.

It’s the same case of a missing module, comment it out and try to reinstall VMware Tools.


- Take a copy of modprobe.conf file
cp /etc/modprobe.conf /etc/modprobe.conf.bkp

- edit modprobe.conf
vi /etc/modprobe.conf
- comment out the failing modure
# alias scsi_hostadapter cciss_2445 
alias scsi_hostadapter1 mptbase
alias scsi_hostadapter2 mptscsi
alias scsi_hostadapter3 mptspi
alias scsi_hostadapter4 mptsas

- save and close the file.

That’s it… see you next.

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