Just Another IT Blog

It's time to share some of my experiences, crazy ideas, tips and tricks !!!

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Yesterday I took the VCP410 exam and I’d like to share some of my experience.

First, here’s a personal guide I built for my self with the topics I have studied, may be it would not make sense for you, but it’s a start.

Another tip is to gain experience working with the environment, I know it’s not easy, may be your company does not have VMWARE yet, but it helps a lot.

Build your own LAB environment, there are several HOW-TO on the intenet about how to do that. It will allow you to test things, configure , troubleshoot, etc..

Be careful with DUMPs, I looked at a few ones, there are some wrong answers, others mix question about ESX 3.5 with ESX 4.0, so instead of memorizing it, try to duplicate the configuration on your LAB.

About the exam:
- I’ve seen a lot concern about maximum configuration and we should memorize them. So I did, in fact it was my main focus during study, but, lucky or not, I did not get a single question about it : (
- I got a bunch of vApp question, so take some time to study it, specially their configuration options.
- The majority of the question are multiple right choices, some times 2, some time 3 right answers, so be attention to those.

Whish you all good luck

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