Back in time a few years with the born of the first public cloud offers there was this fear that every company will get rid of their on-premises environment and will move entirely to the cloud, initiating the debate of private Cloud X public Cloud.
Very soon it became clear it was not an either-or dilemma.
But this Cloud model still very attractive to some workloads, reasons being due agility, economics, or pure testing this amazing new model.
Since you were keeping your on-premises environment, and now adding a new environment (public) to your footprint, you must need to connect those two worlds in order to share services among them, which became known as hybrid cloud.
Fast forwarding, public cloud offers exploded with a lot of new players out there, offering a broad range of services, prices competition, and geo locality options.
Now companies that experimented the cloud on its earliest days are more comfortable with this model and eager to consume those new services.
Customers realized that each public offer has its own merits and unique features that could benefit their business, so why have to choose a single public cloud provider ???
The reality is now customers are picking the desired services from different cloud providers freely becoming now a Multi-Cloud environment.To manage this Multi-Cloud environment, teams of specialists with specific knowledge around each cloud capability has been created inside the companies, bringing with them its own set of tools and scripts. As you might imagine the duplication of teams and tools it became clear there’s a new challenge inside the house, the cloud became the new silo.
Once again VMware has been called to save the day, with an inovatted plataform that makes the cloud complexity invisible, allows from a single point of management, governance to run their business homogeneous without worrying about clouds complexity and focusing only on their business.
The VMware Cloud Services plataform, provides several solutions, which can be used independently or integrated to solve the most complex challenges these days.
Cloud Automation Services, CAS, is one of them and comprisses of:
Orchestrates and deliver agnostic multi cloud infrastructure, application and services, leveraging manifest that describes the desired state of your services in a declarative way, which could be programmatically used on CI/CD tools, versioned in line with DevOps principals
Allows aggregation of those offers from different clouds into a single self service catalog to be consumed by users. Enforcing governance, lease dates and approval policies.
Code Stream
Ease pipeline model construction that speeds up software delivery and streamlines troubleshoot of traditional and cloud native applications.
Of course, it's a simplistic description of those services, they can provide much more, this post is just the beginning of a series that will cover these services in details.
Keep posted, the amaziness is coming ….
Cloud Assembly - The Basics
Cloud Assembly - Placement Engine
Cloud Assembly - The Basics
Cloud Assembly - Placement Engine