Just Another IT Blog

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One of the unique and amazing features of vSphere Integrated Containers, VIC,  is its ability to expose containers services directly on a network, which means the traffic would not need to pass through the container host (port mapping), full network throughput per container and outages at the container host DO NOT cause any outages to the container service itself.
This capability is possible through the use of Container Network option.

On traditional Docker implementation, you could just pass the option -P and all container’s exposed ports will be published, while it’s great, it also raises security concerns about publishing ports and services that you are unaware of and might, potentially, increase your attack surface.

With that in mind, VMware, enhanced the security and control of container services with a new security feature, container network firewall, available starting from VIC 1.2.

This new feature comes with 5 levels of security trust, as follow;

  • Closed: no traffic come in or out of the container interface;
  • Open: all traffic is permitted; it allows the use of option -P during container creation;
  • Outbound: only outbound connections are permitted, good for containers consuming services but not providing any
  •  Published: only connections to published ports are permitted; you need to explicitly tell which port will be permitted during container creation; Ex: docker run -d –p 80 nginx
  • Peers: only containers on the same “peer” interface are permitted to communicate with each other. To establish peers you need to provide a range of IPs to the container network during VCH creation, (--container-network-ip-range)

By default the behavior of container network firewall is Publish, that’s why -P option might suddenly stop working after you upgrade to VIC 1.2.

To control the container firewall behavior you need to specify the trust level during VCH creation:
--container-network “PortGroup”:Internet --container-network-firewall "PortGroup":open

Now you have all the control you need on your container’s services.

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