How about get recognized by the things you know, learn new stuff, expand
you network and earning prizes along the way ?!?!?
That’s what CloudCredibility is all about. The VMware’s learning platform
that allows you to complete tasks and make scores that can later become prizes.
It involves just 4 steps. Sign up, Join a team, complete tasks and get rewards.
Could not be easier !!!
Let me show you how easy it is:
- Once signed;
- Go to tasks, there’s about 1590 tasks grouped by
several categories;
- Select the task you wanna take;
- Click Start
The first time you join CloudCred you will automatically be joined to a group, you can change it later through your profile, creating your own or joining others, mine is “PSOBrazil”, fell free to join ; )
Still have doutbs about what CloudCred is all about, may be this video can help you.