Unfortunately it’s
not true among my clients when it’s related to vRealize Automation, they still have doubts and misundertanding about the constructs of vRA.
Let's give it
a break, vRA is kind of a new kind on the block, we will get there.
I created a
simple picture that can translate vCD concepts on vRA concepts.
While there is a few new constructs, I believe you can distinguish the common construct between them now.
Here's some details about the new constructs:
Enpoints: There are a variety of resources vRA can
connect to other that vSphere, like vCloud Director, vCloud Air, Amazon, Hyper-V…
Fabric Groups: It’s a way of grouping resources together, that’s
when you start to realize the granularity power of vRA, now you can have different users managing individual resources without compromising each other.
Reservation: Despite the name, it has nothing to do with vCD Allocation Models (Reservation/Allocation/PAYG), it’s simple an allocation of
resources for consumption.
Business Group: While on vCD all users members of the same
Org would have the same privileges on Catalogs/Templates/Org vDCs. On vRA you can group users of the same
Tenant together on Business Group, then give each one distinct privileges. That’s
another example of the granulatiry you can achive with vRA.
Ex. On a Tenant you can have a BG for Production and other for Dev, then enable Dev users to have access to just a subset of the bluprints and provide their VMs on just a specific Reservation.
Ex. On a Tenant you can have a BG for Production and other for Dev, then enable Dev users to have access to just a subset of the bluprints and provide their VMs on just a specific Reservation.
Entitlement: It’s a way to tie together which one (Fabric
Groups) is entitle to what (Services), allowing another level of access
I recommend
you to read the vRA Foundation and Concepts for a full range of details about
those constructs.
See you