Well, it
happed to me when working to vRealize Orchestrator.
Curiously, the procedure is documented on Orchestrator Installation Guide, even though it took me a considerable amount of time to find it, so why not
emphasize the procedure here and help others to find the solution quicker ?!?
When the
default account (user=VMware) is locked out you will receive the error:
Login failed: User/password mismatch
or account temporarily blocked after too many unsuccessful attempts
This mean time, let's see how you unlock it.
You can reset/unlock your account tweaking passwd.properties file, depending where vRO is running on you will find this file at:
Running on
vCenter: install_directory\VMware\Infrastructure\Orchestrator\config
standalone on Windows: install_directory\VMware\Orchestrator\configuration\conf\
Running on the
appliance: /etc/vco/configuration/
I’ll show you the appliance steps, because I believe it is the most common deployment out
- Login through
SSH on the Orchestrator Appliance
- cd
Take a copy of
the file just in case you want to restore it later
- cp
passwd.properties passwd.properties.bkp
now edit
the file with your preferred file editor.
Look for
the line starting with vmware= (there should be a bunch of numbers and letters here,
it’s the actual password, but encrypted)
Get ride of
this line and replace it with:
Give the
appliance some minutes to take affect.
Login back with:
If you did
it right you will be able to login and change the default password ; )
Another tip: If you still receiving the block message even after going through all the steps above, it might be because you are using IE, there's some weird type of caching or cook playing here, just use another browser !!!!
Did it work for you ?