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Here’s the second and last part of the tutorial on how to configure the vCNS Edge to act as a load balancer for your VMware vCloud implementation.
If you have no idea how we came up to this point, go back and check part 1 of the serie.

Now that we already have the Edge implemented, let’s see how to configure it’s load balance services.

If you are not on the vCNS Admin Page
- On the Home page of vCenter click on vShield Icon

 - Expand the Folder Datacenters and select the Datacenter where the vCNS Edge was deployed

- Select the Network Virtualization tab and double-click on the Edge device we will configure the load balance services.
It will open up the configuration screen for the device.

- Select the Load Balancer tab

- Enable the Load Balancing service

 - Click Publish Changes

 Every change will make on the configurations will show you this Publish Changes option, if you do not publish them, it will not make effect.

 - click the plus sign to create a new load balancing pool

 A load balancing pool is the group of serves that will provide a common service, in our case the vCloud Cells.
 Since we have 2 distinct services on vCloud, HTTPS access and Console Proxy, it makes sense to create controls to manage them separately, so we will create one pool for each service.

The first pool is for the HTTPS access or the Portal itself if you wish.

- Give the pool a name, a description and click Next

- Select the services which will be available, for vCloud it’s 80 and 443 (HTTP and HTTPS) and 
click Next

- Enable the services on port 80 and 443 and add the URI for monitoring of the Cell's health and click Next
Health HTTP URI address: /cloud/server_status

 The URI will tell the load balancer if the cell is healthy and in case not, the cell will stop directing connections to the failed cell.
It helps you during maintenance periods, where you can stop one of the cells without impacting the entirely cloud. The users will be redirected to the remaining and healthy cell.

- Click the plus sign to add the members of this pool

- Type the IP of the cell and click OK

 Since we are creating the HTTPS pool, it’s IP must be the IP designed to provide https services on the cell.

- Repeat the procedure for adding each vCloud cell of your solution

- Once you have your’s members added to the pool, click Next

- If everything is correct, Click Finish

 Now we need to create the pool for Consoly proxy, the procedure is ALMOST the same

- Select the Load Balancer tab click the plus sign to create a new load balancing pool

 - Give the pool a name, a description and click Next

- Select TCP, select LEAST_CONN as a Balancing Method, make sure port is 443 and click Next 

 Despite the fact the port is 443, ConsoleProxy is not a true HTTPs service it runs more a TCP socket session on this port.

- Enable the services on TCP port 443 and add the URI for the monitoring of the health of the cell and click Next
Health ConsoleProxy URI address: /sdk/vimServiceVersions.xml

- Add the same members as we did for HTTP pool above.

Remember: this time as we are creating a pool for ConsoleProxy service, add the IPs of the cells designed to provide consoleproxy services

- Make sure everything is right and click Finish

- Once your pools are created click Publish Changes

Well, that’s only the first step, we just created the pools of servers, now we need to create Virtual Servers, most people knows it as the VIP address.
As we did with the pools, here we will create a VIP for HTTPS and another one for Console Proxy.
Let’s start with the HTTP one.

- To create the Virtual Servers go to the Load Balancer tab, select Virtual Servers and click on the plus sign to create a new one.

 - Give it a Name; as a good practice something descriptive is always good
- type the IP address of the HTTP VIP; it’s the IP resolving your cloud name not the specific cells IPs.
- make sure to pick up the Pool of services configure for HTTP
- Configure the services the same as the screen bellow and click Add

Now let’s create the console Proxy VIP.

- Click on the plus sign to create a new Virtual Server
- Give it a Name
- type the IP address of the ConsoleProxy VIP;
- make sure to pick up the Pool of services configure for Console Proxy
- Configure the services the same as the screen bellow and click Add

- Again, click Publish Changes to make the changes take effect

Not that hard, right…. You can also use this procedure to create a load balance for any service, not just vCloud.

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