Just Another IT Blog

It's time to share some of my experiences, crazy ideas, tips and tricks !!!

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You might be wondering why on the Chargeback report you see vCloud hierarchies that dont exist anymore, unfortunately that was by design.
But fortunately, starting with VMware vCenter Chargeback 2.6, you can change its behavior.

The release notes specify that new feature and how it impacts the performance of ARS (Automatic Report Scheduler), but it’s lacking the steps procedures on how to enable and disable it.
You can read all Chargebacks documentation and you will find nothing about it, trusted me I did.

Then I talked with the project manager. 
He told me this improvement has not made it’s way to the GUI and the only way to enable and disable it is through the database.

So you need to run a database script to update it’s value, bellow are the information you need about the tabe and fields to change.

SERVER_PROPERTY_NAME: automatic.report.scheduler.filter.deleted.vcd.hierarchies
SERVER_PROPERTY_VALUE: true/false ("false" to include and "true" to exclude the deleted vcd hierarchies from ARS processing)

Now you know how to use this new feature ; )

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