Just Another IT Blog

It's time to share some of my experiences, crazy ideas, tips and tricks !!!

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Today we will cover the easier step on this whole solution
Enabling notifications on  VMware vCloud Director.

When this configuration is enabled, vCloud will send notification of every task executed on it’s environment; creation of Orgs, VMs, vApps, Networks, customization of VMs....
 you got it, right ?!?! it will send notification about EVERYTHING.

On the last post we already configured RabbitMQ to intercept the notifications about VMs creation, therefore it’s just a matter of enabling vCloud to start sending them.

Log on vCloud Portal
Click on Administration

Click on Extensibility

Click on Enable Notifications
Fill the information about AMQP Hostname, Exchange, user and password

Click Test AMQP Connection to make sure it’s all right.

That’s all you need, from now on vCloud will send notification to the AMQP queue.

Since it’s a piece of cake, I will give you guys a bonus !!!!

But remember, It’s not related to the solution I’ve been discussing here.

It’s not unusual that some kind of approvals be required in cloud solutions.
With this in mind let’s see how a request can be paused until some administration approve or reject it.

The process is the same; configure RabbitMQ queues and enable vCloud notification plus the configuration of vCloud’s Blocking Tasks.

Blocking Tasks are notifications about specific actions which are suspended until a system administrator or an automated system  (you need to create it) acts on them, lets take an example of VM’s creation, it can be automatically approved and provisioned unless someone request a 8 vCPUs VM, in this case an approval will be send to the system administrator to approve or reject it.

Once the Notifications has been set up, click on Blocking Tasks

Browse to the list of actions and enable the action you want to block when performed by your users.
It's done.

How easier could it be ?!?!?

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