This week I ran into a fresh install of
vSphere and Update Manager 5.1.
Everything went fine with SSO, Inventory
Services and vCenter, but Update Manager had a different story, despite the fact the
installation went fine too, no errors and the tables were created on the
database as it would be, the service was not starting up.
On the attempt to start Update Manager
I got the following error:
"Windows Could not start the VMware Update
Manager service on local computer. Error 1067: the process terminated unexpectedly"
Checking Update Managers’ log there were
several messages like: Failed to get the module name for process….
Well making a long story short, after some
troubleshooting I realize the problem was my ODBC connection with the database.
As you probably know, you cannot use the
SQL client which comes by default with Windows, instead you need to install the
SQL Native Client, which is provided by SQL Server Feature Pack.
And as you could imagine there are several
versions of them, depending on the SQL server version, release, service pack…
On this implementation, I’ve been using SQL
Native Client 11 for vCenter connection with no problem at all, but apparently
Update Manager does not like this version.
After I installed SQL Native Client 10 and
changed the Update Manager ODBC connection to use this client version
everything went as expected and the service started just fine.
Since my vCenter was working fine I saw no
reason to remove the Native Client version 11.
Now my server has been running both versions
concurrently with no problem.
SQL Native Client 11 for vCenter ODBC
SQL Native Client 10 for Update Manager
ODBC connection.
See you next