A couple of weeks ago, I was designing a VMware vSphere environment,
when just checking the Interoperability Matrixes for the supported
versions of Microsoft SQL for vCenter 5.0, I realized the Service Pack 1 for Microsoft SQL 2008 R2 was
not supported.
I though it very disturbing, SP1 has been released several months ago,
there’s no way it still not supported !!
I decided to look for some more information internally.
My first find was several testimonials from others VMware consultants
that have implemented successfully with that version.
Then I contacted the project manager, which has been in charge for the
release of vCenter, she has confirmed me that this version (SP1) has been
tested and it’s supported to work with vCenter 5.0 Update 1 a/b.
WOW, hold on to your hat…that’s the trick part:
Microsoft SQL 2008 R2 SP1 is just supported for vCenter 5.0 Update 1
a/b. (pay attention to releases a and b)
** Just to make sure. Microsoft SQL 2008 R2 SP1 IS NOT SUPPORTED on
vCenter 5.0 Update 1. If you want to use this version of SQL, update your
vCenter to version a or b.
To help you guys identify which version of vCenter you are running at,
those are the build numbers you should be looking at:
vCenter 5.0 U1 b – Build Number 804277
5.0 U1 a – Build Number 757163
vCenter 5.0 U1 – Build Number 623373
So, where did come all this mess from ?
Taking a second look at Interoperability Matrixes, I realized it does
not list the releases A or B.
Right now I’m working internally to have this matrix updated.
I hope this post help some of you guys when deciding what database
version to choose.