So, let's see how to add more VRS to your environment.
- Open vSphere Web Client and select your vCenter;
- On the Configuration tab, select Replication Servers;
- Click on, "Deploy new vSphere Replication Server from OVF";
- Click Browse, to select your OVF and the click Next;
BTW: vSphere Replication Servers is the one ending with "AddOn";
- Give it a name and a location and click Next;
- Select a cluster where the VRS will be deployed at and click Next;
- Review de details and click Next;
- Select a datastore to store the VRS and click Next;
- Provide the network information related to your environment and click Next;
- Review the details and click Finish to star the deploy;
- Click on "Register a virtual machine as a vSphere Replication Server";
- Just browse until you find your recently created VRS and click OK;
Bada bing, bada boom.... you have a new vSphere Replication on your environment !!!
obs: obvisouly you must have a vSphere Replication Management Server already implemented, I'm not covering it. There's a bunch of blog posts about it, but basically it's a OVF deployment, just follow the wizard and , it's done.