Just Another IT Blog

It's time to share some of my experiences, crazy ideas, tips and tricks !!!

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If you have been following my Demystifying vSphere Replication posts, you will remember that to achieve the maximum VMs replicated through vSphere Replication you need to provision additional vSphere Replication Servers, VRS,  to spread the load.

So, let's see how to add more VRS to your environment.

- Open vSphere Web Client and select your vCenter;
- On the Configuration tab, select Replication Servers;

- Click on, "Deploy new vSphere Replication Server from OVF";

- Click Browse, to select your OVF and the click Next;

 BTW: vSphere Replication Servers is the one ending with "AddOn";

- Give it a name and a location and click Next;

- Select a cluster where the VRS will be deployed at and click Next;

- Review de details and click Next;

- Select a datastore to store the VRS and click Next;

- Provide the network information related to your environment and click Next;

- Review the details and click Finish to star the deploy;
Wait until the deployment finishes.

- Click on "Register a virtual machine as a vSphere Replication Server";

- Just  browse until you find your recently created VRS and click OK;

Bada bing, bada boom.... you have a new vSphere Replication on your environment !!!

obs: obvisouly you must have a vSphere Replication Management Server already implemented, I'm not covering it.  There's a bunch of blog posts about it, but basically it's a OVF deployment, just follow the wizard and , it's done.

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