Some time ago I blogged about how to change vRealize Automation All services icon, despite the fact it was a not supported procedure by that time we could prove it was doable.
Now I’m glad to say that starting with vRealize Automation 7.1 it’s a fully supported procedure, allowing you to change it in your production environment without the fear it will break something.
If you don’t recall, the All Services icon always appears for users which have more than one Service entitled to them.
Before we go one, it’s good to be aware that it’s a system-wide configuration and likewise will affect all your tenants.
You might remember about the blue boring Lego icon, right ? Let’s see how to change it then.
Let’s starting converting the image you want to use as your new icon to a base64code string.
As suggested you could use DailyCoding portal, just upload your image and convert it, save the string for later use.
On a system, wich has cURL installed
Export vRA address to a variable
- run: export VCAC=[vRA_FQDN]
Get an Authentication token.
- run: curl https://$VCAC/identity/api/tokens --insecure -H "Accept: application/json" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"username":"[Catalog Administrator User]","password":"","tenant":"vsphere.local"}'
Make sure to use Administrator@vsphere.local as it’s the only user authorized to
perform this change so far.
Take a note of your token, in my case, it’s the yellow string I highlighted.
Export your token to a variable
- run: export AUTH="Bearer [Auth Token]"
Just replace the yellow string with the string you grab on the previous step
Replace the All Services icon:
- run: curl https://$VCAC/catalog-service/api/icons --insecure -H "Accept: application/json" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization: $AUTH" --data '{"id":"cafe_default_icon_genericAllServices","fileName":"[filename]","contentType":"image/png","image":"[IMAGE DATA as base64 string]"}'
Just replace the IMAGE DATA as base64 string with the string you got from your new icon.... don't worry it’s a pretty large string.
If you did everything right you should see the new icon
I know, the icon I choose is not that pretty, but it proves my point ; )
BTW I’m providing the commands to run on a Linux system, if you want to run on a Windows base system, please, check the manual for the exactly commands.
If you like this quick vRA 7.1 new features don’t miss my other posts: Message Board and Execution Information.