Just Another IT Blog

It's time to share some of my experiences, crazy ideas, tips and tricks !!!

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From time to time a client of mine asks about a way of listing the VMware Tools Version of his VMs for the sake of checking which ones are out of date.

Is there anything better than a script for the job ?!?!?!

For not having to poke around next time a client asks me about it again, I will post a simple script here, one that I have tested and I know it will get the job done.

Yeah I know there are plenty of scripts out there, ones more sophisticated than others, but this post is more for my own records. Don’t get me wrong ; )

It’s a powerCLI script, if you don’t know how to use it I recommend you read the basics here.

This script will get the VMware Tools version of ALL VMs of your environment and exclude the templates from the result.

Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Property Name,Config.Tools.ToolsVersion -Filter @{"Config.Template" = "False"} | `Select-Object Name,@{N="ToolsVersion"; E={$_.Config.Tools.ToolsVersion}}

As you can see on the example above, for version 0 you get the ones which did not get VMware Tools installed at all, for the big numbers you get the ones provided by 3rd partys, probably the virtual appliances you have deployed.

There’s also an option to get the ToolsVersionStatus, but IMHO, I see not point on getting this information, this status is based on the comparison of the VMware Tools version installed on the guest with the version available on the host. If your host is out of date, your VM’s status would be listed as Current, even though it could be some versions behind.
So, my advice is to identify the latest tools version number and use it as a baseline for your comparison.

If you want to reduce the scope of your search you can also use commands like Get-Datacenter, Get-Cluster or Get-VMHost to reduce the surface of search.

Got get them tiger !!!

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