When implementing Site Recovery Manager
(SRM) with VMware Replication solution, you must have to deploy one vSphere
Replication Management Server (VRMS) at each site and at least one vSphere
Replication Server (VRS).
As you would normally do with any device on
your environment, you went to change it’s hostname and assign a unique name to
each one of these components.
This task can be easily accomplish through
the web interface of them.
But, once you reboot them, you will realize
it reverts it’s name back to localhost.localdom.
So, How do we make VRMS and VRS to keep
theirs hostname ?
On VRMS it’s an easier task.
During reboot, there’s a start up scripts
which tries to solve it’s own IP address.
If it cannot resolve it’s DNS, it reverts
it’s name to localhost.localdom.
To fix that you just need to create a
reverse PTR entry on DNS for yours appliances.
VRS has the same start up script, but the
problem is there are some missing packages, so it fails to set up it’s new name
and reverts back to localhost.localdom.
To fix that you just need to install the
missing RPMs.
As you can see bellow, the appliances are SuseLinux Enterprise Server 11, you could image that it’s just go to the Suse webpage and download them, right ?
Well, good look with that, I expend hours
and could not find them there.
The missing packages are bind-utils and
bind-libs, but libcap is a dependency of those packages, so download and
install it as well.
You can double check running: rpm -q -a bind-\*
I could find the files elsewhere. I will
publish them here to make our lifes easier.
Use them at your own risk.
Once you downloaded them, copy it to a
location where the appliances have access.
Then, just install the RPMs. The syntax is
rpm –i “rpm_package”
Now you can change it’s hostname and it
will stick after reboot.