At this point you might be realized that one of the activities that take most of the time of a P2V migration is the copy of the data from the physical server to the virtual one.
Well let’s take a look how can we boost your migration.
My advice here just applies to HOT migration, OK ?!?!
So, depending on your choices during the convert wizard you end up with better or poor performance, that’s why your data will be copy or block-level or file-level to.
Block-level is always faster than file-level. And how do you choose one of them ?
Block-level will be used when you maintain or extend the disk on the target.
File-level will be used when you choose a smaller disk on the destination.
Then you asked me, but the feature to reduce the disk size on the destination is something cool to reclaim unused space and save some money with storage.
Yes it is. But depending on your volume size, your P2V cool takes forever to finish and eventually failed.
My advice is to try to use block-level and when the machine is virtualized you can use sVmotion to reduce the disk to thin, saving your storage.
Remember all P2V creates tick disks.
To save storage consumption convert them to thin with sVmotion.