Just Another IT Blog

It's time to share some of my experiences, crazy ideas, tips and tricks !!!

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One of the many vSphere Integrated Containers, VIC, benefits is its ability to control and manage resource allocation. 
Let’s make a comparison between VIC and traditional containers deployment to clarify what I mean with that.

With traditional containers deployment, you have to size your container host upfront, we all know how easy it is to foresee adoption and future grown, right ?!
Inevitably you will end up in two situations, either you sized your container host to small and in a few months or weeks it will be full and your developers will ask for another one or you size it too big and the container host is out there just wasting resources, which could be utilized somewhere else, not efficient.
Last be honest neither of them is good scenarios.

VIC, on the other hand, approaches resource allocation in a different way: 
first, when you create your virtual container host, VCH, you are not allocating resources, you are just defining its boundaries, think of it as vSphere resource pool definition which we all knows for years.

When you create your VCH it will show up at vCenter as a vApp (nothing really new).

By default, VCH is created without any limitation, just edit the VCH and you will see it.

At this point, you are probably worried that your developers would consume ALL your resources.
Luckily VIC has all the tools to solve the problem, during VCH creation you can specify the limits of memory (in MB) and cpu (in MHz), just adding the options  --memory “size” or/and --cpu “amount"

Now the limitation is applied to the vApp

Also, it's reported back to the developers as well

Well, it does not prevent us from an unexpected grow, doesn't it ? 
But since VCH is just a resource pool like, you can manually edit it for expanding or shrinking it’s limitation without any impact or downtime to the actual containers.
It’s what I call an elastic solution !!!

What about the containers itself ?

By default, they are created with 2vCPUS and 2GB of RAM

 If you want you can give them more or fewer resources, just add the options --memory “size” or/and --cpuset-set “amount” when creating your container.

Remember, since every container is a unique VM on vCenter you can see it’s allocations is properly set up

Now you can size your container host like a boss !!!

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